Thursday, June 3, 2010

It's Way Too Soon for My Daughter to be Sneaking Out!

Dear Reagan,

Monday morning (Memorial Day), we went to buy flowers for our porch. It was a dark, rainy day. When we got home, it was an absolute downpour, so we left the flowers in the car and went inside to wait for the rain to slow down. You and Tommy started playing cars in the family room. The rain finally subsided. I left to walk to Ace Hardware to buy some zip ties to attach the flower boxes to the railing, and Dad started unloading the flowers from the car. When he came inside, he noticed that you weren't in the same spot playing, but he assumed you were in your room getting more toys. He went out to the porch to set down the flowers, and he heard a giggle. He looked down to the sidewalk, and you were standing there, laughing!

Reagan, please do not do this to your parents!!!!! You cannot walk through 3 heavy doors (that automatically lock behind you) to go outside by yourself! You are two years old! You live on a busy street in the city!

And a sidenote to Tommy - perhaps you really were so focused on playing cars that you did not notice your sister leave the building; however, if you ever DO notice her walking out the door, PLEASE let one of your parents know. Thank you.

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bleary-Eyed at 2 AM


I love you so much, Cupcake, but will you PLEASE stop waking up multiple times at night? You're 2 1/2 now. It's time. I enjoy cuddling you on the couch, but not at 2 AM. And we can watch Bernstain Bears in the afternoon whenever you want. I promise.

I'd write more, but I need to get some sleep.

Love you!

Teary-Eyed at Toy Store


Last week we went to Toys R Us to buy a birthday gift for one of your friends. I have a small stack of gift cards from your birthday that I've been saving for you to use (to spread out your birthday and Christmas loot), and I gave you $25 to buy whatever you wanted. You couldn't believe that I gave it to you, just out of the blue. Your eyes got really big and you stared at me in disbelief.

"I get to use this today?" you asked.

"You sure do," I answered. "You can buy whatever you want."

"Can I use it to buy something for Reagan, too?"

Tommy, I was so proud of you. And you did, too. You bought a Bakugon set for yourself, then spent another 20 minutes parading Reagan up and down the aisles to help her pick something. Ultimately you both decided on a hula hoop.

Whenever I get frustrated or upset at some silly mistake you make, I will always think back on that day. You are an amazing little boy. I love you!